
  • 目标:用深度神经网络(DNN)解决一个回归问题,了解训练基础DNN的技巧
  • 任务描述: 给定美国特定州过去三天有关COVID-19的调查,然后预测第3天新检测阳性病例的百分比


# PyTorch
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader

# For data preprocess
import numpy as np
import csv
import os

# For plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

myseed = 42069  # set a random seed for reproducibility
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
if torch.cuda.is_available():


def get_device():
    ''' Get device (if GPU is available, use GPU) '''
    return 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'

def plot_learning_curve(loss_record, title=''):
    ''' Plot learning curve of your DNN (train & dev loss) '''
    total_steps = len(loss_record['train'])
    x_1 = range(total_steps)
    x_2 = x_1[::len(loss_record['train']) // len(loss_record['dev'])]
    plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
    plt.plot(x_1, loss_record['train'], c='tab:red', label='train')
    plt.plot(x_2, loss_record['dev'], c='tab:cyan', label='dev')
    plt.ylim(0.0, 5.)
    plt.xlabel('Training steps')
    plt.ylabel('MSE loss')
    plt.title('Learning curve of {}'.format(title))

def plot_pred(dv_set, model, device, lim=35., preds=None, targets=None):
    ''' Plot prediction of your DNN '''
    if preds is None or targets is None:
        preds, targets = [], []
        for x, y in dv_set:
            x, y = x.to(device), y.to(device)
            with torch.no_grad():
                pred = model(x)
        preds = torch.cat(preds, dim=0).numpy()
        targets = torch.cat(targets, dim=0).numpy()

    plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
    plt.scatter(targets, preds, c='r', alpha=0.5)
    plt.plot([-0.2, lim], [-0.2, lim], c='b')
    plt.xlim(-0.2, lim)
    plt.ylim(-0.2, lim)
    plt.xlabel('ground truth value')
    plt.ylabel('predicted value')
    plt.title('Ground Truth v.s. Prediction')





  • 读取.csv文件,将covid.train.csv划分为训练集和验证集
  • 提取数据特征,并进行归一化处理
class COVID19Dataset(Dataset):
    ''' 用于加载并对COVID19数据集进行预处理'''
    def __init__(self, path, mode='train', target_only=False):
        self.mode = mode
        # 读取数据为numpy arrays格式
        with open(path, 'r') as fp:
            data = list(csv.reader(fp))
            data = np.array(data[1:])[:, 1:].astype(float)   # 不读取行列的注释
        if not target_only:                          
            feats = list(range(93))                 # 考虑所有影响因素
        else:                                      # 作业实现部分
            # TODO: Using 40 states & 2 tested_positive features (indices = 57 & 75)
            feats = list(range(40))
        if mode == 'test':
            # 测试数据
            # data: 893 x 93 (40 states + day 1 (18) + day 2 (18) + day 3 (17))
            data = data[:, feats]
            self.data = torch.FloatTensor(data)        
            # 训练数据,用于划分训练集和验证集
            # data: 2700 x 94 (40 states + day 1 (18) + day 2 (18) + day 3 (18))
            target = data[:, -1]
            data = data[:, feats]
            # 将训练数据划分为训练集和测试集(9 : 1)
            if mode == 'train':
                indices = [i for i in range(len(data)) if i % 10 != 0]
            elif mode == 'dev':
                indices = [i for i in range(len(data)) if i % 10 == 0]
            # 将数据转成tensors格式
            self.data = torch.FloatTensor(data[indices])
            self.target = torch.FloatTensor(target[indices])
        # 归一化处理(你可以尝试将这部分去除,看结果会变成什么样子)
        self.data[:, 40:] = \
            (self.data[:, 40:] - self.data[:, 40:].mean(dim=0, keepdim=True)) \
            / self.data[:, 40:].std(dim=0, keepdim=True)

        self.dim = self.data.shape[1]

        print('Finished reading the {} set of COVID19 Dataset ({} samples found, each dim = {})'
              .format(mode, len(self.data), self.dim))
    def __len__(self):
        # 返回数据的长度
        return len(self.data)
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        # 每次返回一个样本
        if self.mode in ['train', 'dev']:
            # 训练
            return self.data[idx], self.target[idx]
            # 测试(没有目标值)
            return self.data[idx]



def prep_dataloader(path, mode, batch_size, target_only=False):
    ''' 生成一个数据集,将其输入到指定的dataloader中 '''
    dataset = COVID19Dataset(path, mode=mode, target_only=target_only)  
    dataloader = DataLoader(
        dataset, batch_size,
        shuffle=(mode == 'train'))                            
    return dataloader




class SimpleNet(nn.Module):
    ''' 实现一个简单由几个全连接层组成的深度神经网络 '''
    def __init__(self, input_dim):
        super(SimpleNet, self).__init__()
        # 你可以对这部分的网络结构进行修改
        self.net = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(input_dim, 128),
            nn.Linear(128, 32),
            nn.Linear(32, 1)
    def forward(self, x):
        return self.net(x).squeeze(1)    # 二维变成一维,数字对应去除的维度序号(从0开始)


def train(tr_set, dv_set, model, config, device):
    ''' 训练模型 '''
    n_epochs = config['n_epochs']     # 最大迭代次数
    optimizer = getattr(torch.optim, config['optimizer'])(
        model.parameters(), **config['optim_hparas'])    # 优化算法optimizer    
    criterion = nn.MSELoss(reduction='mean')            # 损失函数criterion
    min_mse = 1000             # 用于记录验证时最小的loss
    loss_record = {'train': [], 'dev': []}   # 记录训练损失
    early_stop_cnt = 0                       # 如果迭代过程中,超过设定迭代次数,模型的最小loss还没更新就停止迭代
    for epoch in range(n_epochs):
        model.train()                      # 将模型设置为训练模式
        for x, y in tr_set:
            optimizer.zero_grad()          # 将梯度初始为0
            x, y = x.to(device), y.to(device)
            pred = model(x)               # 前向传播(计算模型输出)
            loss = criterion(pred, y)     # 计算loss
            loss.backward()               # 后向传播(计算梯度)
            optimizer.step()              # 更新模型参数
        # 每次迭代后,在验证集中验证你的模型
        dev_mse = dev(dv_set, model, device)
        if dev_mse < min_mse:
            # 当模型性能提升时保存模型
            min_mse = dev_mse
            print(f'Saving model (epoch = {epoch+1:4d}, loss = {min_mse:.4f})')
            torch.save(model.state_dict(), config['save_path'])   # 保存模型到指定的路径
            early_stop_cnt = 0               # 每次模型性能改进,将该值变为0
            early_stop_cnt += 1            # 每次迭代后,模型性能未提升则加1
        if early_stop_cnt > config['early_stop']:
            # 如果你的模型在指定迭代次数后,模型性能仍为改进,则停止训练
    print(f'Finished training after {epoch} epochs')
    return min_mse, loss_record


def dev(dv_set, model, device):
    model.eval()                                # 将模型设置为评估模式
    criterion = nn.MSELoss(reduction='mean')   # 损失函数criterion
    total_loss = 0
    for x, y in dv_set:
        x, y = x.to(device), y.to(device)
        with torch.no_grad():                   # 不允许梯度计算
            pred = model(x)                     # 前向传播
            mse_loss = criterion(pred, y)  # 计算loss
        total_loss += mse_loss.detach().cpu().item() * len(x)  # 总loss
    total_loss = total_loss / len(dv_set.dataset)              # 平均loss

    return total_loss


def test(tt_set, model, device):
    preds = []
    for x in tt_set:                            
        x = x.to(device) 
        with torch.no_grad():                  
            pred = model(x)                     
    preds = torch.cat(preds, dim=0).numpy()     # 连接所有预测并转换为numpy数组
    return preds



device = get_device()                 
os.makedirs('models', exist_ok=True)  #
target_only = False                   

# 可以进行调节来提升模型性能
config = {
    'n_epochs': 3000,                # 最大迭代次数
    'batch_size': 270,               # dataloader的最小批量
    'optimizer': 'SGD',              # 参数优化算法
    'optim_hparas': {                # optimizer的超参数
        'lr': 0.001,                 # SGD的学习率
        'momentum': 0.9              # SGD的momentum
    'early_stop': 200,               # 自模型上次改进以后的最多迭代次数
    'save_path': 'models/model.pth'  # 模型保存路径


tr_path = './data/covid.train.csv'  # 训练数据路径
tt_path = './data/covid.test.csv'   # 测试数据路径

tr_set = prep_dataloader(tr_path, 'train', config['batch_size'], target_only=target_only)
dv_set = prep_dataloader(tr_path, 'dev', config['batch_size'], target_only=target_only)
tt_set = prep_dataloader(tt_path, 'test', config['batch_size'], target_only=target_only)
Finished reading the train set of COVID19 Dataset (2430 samples found, each dim = 93)
Finished reading the dev set of COVID19 Dataset (270 samples found, each dim = 93)
Finished reading the test set of COVID19 Dataset (893 samples found, each dim = 93)
model = SimpleNet(tr_set.dataset.dim).to(device)          # 构建模型


model_loss, model_loss_record = train(tr_set, dv_set, model, config, device)
Saving model (epoch =    1, loss = 196.5020)
Saving model (epoch =    2, loss = 64.4406)
Saving model (epoch =    3, loss = 16.0075)
Saving model (epoch =    4, loss = 7.1638)
Saving model (epoch =    5, loss = 6.9936)
Saving model (epoch =    6, loss = 4.3199)
Saving model (epoch =    7, loss = 2.8746)
Saving model (epoch =    8, loss = 2.3495)
Saving model (epoch =    9, loss = 2.0699)
Saving model (epoch =   10, loss = 1.8842)
Saving model (epoch =   11, loss = 1.7374)
Saving model (epoch =   12, loss = 1.6552)
Saving model (epoch =   13, loss = 1.5494)
Saving model (epoch =   14, loss = 1.4657)
Saving model (epoch =   16, loss = 1.3691)
Saving model (epoch =   18, loss = 1.2820)
Saving model (epoch =   19, loss = 1.2714)
Saving model (epoch =   20, loss = 1.2370)
Saving model (epoch =   21, loss = 1.2115)
Saving model (epoch =   22, loss = 1.1969)
Saving model (epoch =   24, loss = 1.1566)
Saving model (epoch =   25, loss = 1.1130)
Saving model (epoch =   26, loss = 1.0947)
Saving model (epoch =   28, loss = 1.0822)
Saving model (epoch =   31, loss = 1.0681)
Saving model (epoch =   32, loss = 1.0414)
Saving model (epoch =   33, loss = 1.0325)
Saving model (epoch =   34, loss = 1.0219)
Saving model (epoch =   36, loss = 1.0006)
Saving model (epoch =   42, loss = 0.9903)
Saving model (epoch =   43, loss = 0.9615)
Saving model (epoch =   46, loss = 0.9473)
Saving model (epoch =   48, loss = 0.9305)
Saving model (epoch =   52, loss = 0.9179)
Saving model (epoch =   58, loss = 0.9060)
Saving model (epoch =   61, loss = 0.9049)
Saving model (epoch =   62, loss = 0.8991)
Saving model (epoch =   63, loss = 0.8967)
Saving model (epoch =   67, loss = 0.8928)
Saving model (epoch =   68, loss = 0.8797)
Saving model (epoch =   70, loss = 0.8776)
Saving model (epoch =   73, loss = 0.8588)
Saving model (epoch =   81, loss = 0.8583)
Saving model (epoch =   84, loss = 0.8497)
Saving model (epoch =   86, loss = 0.8392)
Saving model (epoch =   96, loss = 0.8273)
Saving model (epoch =   99, loss = 0.8218)
Saving model (epoch =  105, loss = 0.8191)
Saving model (epoch =  119, loss = 0.8141)
Saving model (epoch =  138, loss = 0.8100)
Saving model (epoch =  139, loss = 0.7944)
Saving model (epoch =  160, loss = 0.7902)
Saving model (epoch =  190, loss = 0.7779)
Saving model (epoch =  218, loss = 0.7770)
Saving model (epoch =  233, loss = 0.7751)
Saving model (epoch =  241, loss = 0.7748)
Saving model (epoch =  270, loss = 0.7630)
Saving model (epoch =  326, loss = 0.7592)
Saving model (epoch =  409, loss = 0.7497)
Saving model (epoch =  541, loss = 0.7488)
Saving model (epoch =  546, loss = 0.7450)
Saving model (epoch =  642, loss = 0.7401)
Saving model (epoch =  670, loss = 0.7389)
Saving model (epoch =  800, loss = 0.7318)
Finished training after 1000 epochs
plot_learning_curve(model_loss_record, title='deep model')
del model
model = SimpleNet(tr_set.dataset.dim)
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(config['save_path']))       # 加载你最好的模型
plot_pred(dv_set, model, device)                  # 展示在验证集上的预测结果



def save_pred(preds, file):
    ''' 保存预测的结果到指定的文件中 '''
    print(f'Saving results to {file}')
    with open(file, 'w') as fp:
        writer = csv.writer(fp)
        writer.writerow(['id', 'tested_positive'])
        for i, p in enumerate(preds):
            writer.writerow([i, p])

preds = test(tt_set, model, device)  # 预测
save_pred(preds, 'pred.csv')         # 保存预测结果
Saving results to pred.csv

文章作者: 不才叶某
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 不才叶某 !